Ramayan – The story of Lord Rama. A wonderful tale of Love, Lust, Greed, Despair, Courage, Loyalty, Belief, Fellowship, Faith, Deceit and Treachery. As per the popular belief that remaking a book to a motion picture cannot do justice to the book, it is true in most of the cases though, unless dealt by some of the great directors like Peter Jackson. In the same way the directors of many motion pictures of Ramayan had failed to fulfill the story. These movies follow a basic template of the story with main incidents in it. Till now this had been the situation. I hope against the hope that someone will do a better job and do justification for the great story and with the technology available now there are no bounds for the human imagination. But the old Ramayan Television series showed many good incidents which is very good even today, though one should get prepared for the loud background score. But it is worth to watch. Simply Brilliant.
There were so many unanswered questions since my childhood in the story. I used to believe that the story itself was written in such a way. But it was during the transition from a Book to a Motion Picture that the story had been shortened. There is no reason to blame the movie makers because they might have thought that everyone knows the basics of Ramayan and they just wanted to entertain them. After all the movie is only 3 Hrs. And may be i was so ignorant for not reading the full story till my adolescence. Anyways i am very happy that i did now. “Better Late than Never”. One day i will definitely read all the volumes of this story, not just the abridged and fictional versions of the story.
The most important issue in Valmiki Ramayan was the portrayal of Lord Rama. Though everyone say Rama is a god, the almighty, everyone seems to forget how he became one and why was he considered as a God. Its not his magical powers that made him the god because he had none. And if he had i think there is no point to the story itself. He became god with his Humane and Noble qualities, his unbeatable Skills in Battle and in ruling his kingdom with many more noticeable qualities . We often find these qualities separately in different people, but finding all these qualities concealed in Lord Rama is what made him Unique, Super Human and a God.
There are many many speculations and theories regarding this matter. Some of them even abuse lord Ram too. We can take this in a positive way though. We, in this world have to earn everything for ourselves, which needs a lot of Self Confidence, Patience and also being alert to grab chances when they arrive at our door step. And most importantly we need a confidence boosting source to keep our head in the game of our daily life. A part of it is following a Mentor. Lord Rama can be a better Mentor to everyone as a Super Human than a God. Let me explain why, Most of the people pray to Gods for what they want and ask them to fulfill their desires, irrespective of the thought that if they deserve it or not, instead of earning what they want. And sometimes God replies back in his own way by giving us what we Deserve and we foolishly ignore it thinking that it is not what we desired for. Blinded by the desire we even start cursing the God for not giving what we want. But if we get what we want it will be an entirely a different story altogether. We start praising the God and even offer him many too many offerings for satisfying our desires and for further desires too. So there is not much we can learn from our interactions with god other than asking them WHAT WE WANT all the time. But when we hear the story with a sense which was reduced to our level, then we get so much to learn. We unknowingly connect with the soul of the story and start comparing our lives with the characters of the story. One usual human quality is that we feel more confident when we find someone else having the same problem that we are facing. Then we feel more comfortable and a bit more confident.
As we know, in the story, Lord Rama had a hard life too. He was no exemption either. He had his ups and downs. Even after that hardship he got his wife Sita back. There are some stories too with sad endings, which is close to reality. So one should be able to recognize a lesson or a suggestion which they can apply in their lives for their benefit, wherever its origin is from.
The main aim of Valmiki, as it seems, was to let the world know about a person to whom they can look up when they are having a hard time in their lives and learn from his wisdom.
Hope is what drives a person in life. Getting it from anywhere we can is the important task in one’s life. But blind hope is overrated though.