I1 – Out Of Place


Remember the feeling of regret when we were in a conversation with old friends or close relatives and hoped that we too could understand what the others were talking about or share our point-of-views on some interesting topics? We feel out of place and make us think what we could have done differently and become successful as the others are. That starts the guilt trip rather than enjoying the moment. If we are lucky enough, the others in the conversation will not be gloating idiots. If they are, its just even more painful. It gives us back all those decisions we made and make us question them which will vaporise our confidence. All decisions that we have made might be the correct ones at that time but now, eventually, are they? “Slow and steady wins the race”, keeps us positive but in moments like this we will become weak and vulnerable. If something has to change to make our lives better and if it is in our hands we better do it. Anyone in the world can only show the path to success but the journey will be our own. It is also not a good tendency to wait for someone to make something happen for us and be in the embrace of safety if there is a chance be better and do better.

How can anyone come out of such a situation. Taking a bold decision, with brittled confidence and hope that something positive will come our way. Hoping we wont regret this decision even if does not pan out as we thought it would. Of course we have to take pros and cons into consideration but one time you will get a true gut feeling to take a certain step that is when you have to take that step. For better or for worse you have to take the step or be in a disappointed position where you will be remorseful for not taking the step for the rest of our lives.

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